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Jam or Eggs? 🥚🍓

nutrition Jun 08, 2022

I put a poll on instagram this morning with a slice of toast with raspberry jam on it, or a slice of toast with two eggs on it, and asked people which they would choose if their goal is to drop body fat. I also put up a box where people could explain why they made their choice.


I also specified that there was no correct answer - I was just curious what the consensus would be. 


At the time of writing, there are about 2000 votes, with 89% saying eggs, and only 11% saying jam.


I think I initially posted it because, in a past life, I would have seen jam as ‘bad’ and eggs as ‘good’.


But there were probably less calories in the jam than the eggs.


And, most of us know now, that less calories = more of a calorie deficit = fat loss.


Unless of course, if you read yesterday’s email - where low calorie meals are not always the best strategy for fat loss.


And it seems that the message is spreading, as the overwhelming answer for why anybody chose the eggs was that ‘eggs have more protein and would be better to keep me fuller for longer’ along with ‘I would still be hungry if I had the jam on toast’.


And they are correct with these statements.


However, there is no right answer.


There are too many “it depends”.


E.g. if you have finished a workout and want to restore glycogen stores - jam

If you are getting sufficient protein from other sources and want to increase your calories through carbs - jam

If you can’t cook eggs properly - jam

If you like the taste of jam - jam


My conclusion from the results of the poll is that so many people are making nutritionally informed decisions when it comes to their meals, but I also worry that people might be aiming to be too perfect.


When people aim to be too perfect, something like having toast and jam first thing, might throw them off for the day, and they end up in a calorie surplus.


Or they might not hit their protein goal and be disappointed in themselves.


I want people to remember that your body composition and health will be a result of your *average* intake, so the odd toast and jam is fine. Especially if you are aware of the importance of protein, veg, fibre and healthy fats. You will naturally opt for them in other meals.


It’s all about making informed and mindful decisions, but also going easy on yourself.


If you need help with this, you can join The Furnace today.


Oh, and if you are somebody who thinks that you can’t have bread while dropping body fat, then you really need to join The Furnace today.


If you have any questions before joining, please reply to this email and I’ll get back to you asap.


Thanks for reading,


Siobhan “Avocado on toast has no taste” O’Hagan

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