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Has diet culture ruined us? 🍝🚫

nutrition Mar 25, 2022

I think diet culture has ruined a lot of us… (Especially my age and older!).


My biggest struggle is not getting my clients to eat less.


It’s actually getting them to eat more.


Yes, fat loss is about ‘moving more and eating less’ but finding the right balance for the long run is difficult.


Too much restriction can lead to over-eating, which leads to weight gain.


Ever feel like you are the one that’s always on a diet but never happy with your body?


Could it be because you put yourself through a restrictive diet and feel like you are constantly on low calories, but have days where you don’t track “because you deserve it”?


(you always deserve not to track)


Unfortunately, those days of being in a surplus often result in people being in an overall surplus for the week.


I really don’t like to hear that people live their life like this.


Especially when I know that you can get the results that you actually want without putting yourself through any misery.


So my job is to convince women to stop restricting themselves too much.


Because, when there is less restriction, there are less days in a surplus, which leaves them in an overall calorie deficit.


It took me years to realise this.


I used to always feel like I was the one dieting but I wasn’t happy with how I looked or felt. I would look at my friends that never seemed to be dieting and wondered how they had such control around food.


I used to go to 21st birthday parties and find a table on my own so that I would get to enjoy a platter by myself, because it was my night “off” my diet…


Now, I can go to a party and if there are platters, I can take it or leave it (unless there is garlic sauce).



I realised that all my life I had all these diet culture rules ingrained in me, and still do - but now I can identify them and help others identify and question them too.


If you need help with moving away from low calorie diets, while getting long term results, you can sign up to The Furnace today. It costs less than the cost of a take-away a week (but you can still have your take-away if you’d like!)


If you’ve any questions, please reply!




Siobhan “Put garlic sauce on anything and I’ll eat it” O’Hagan

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