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Fat loss retreats 🙅🏻‍♀️

nutrition training Mar 07, 2022

Wanna lose 10 pounds while in the sun?

 Sounds like the dream.

 Is it though?

 We know by now (I hope) that long term fat loss comes from changes in behaviours. 

Short term fat loss comes from short term changes in behaviours.


If you go to Thailand and train twice a day on minimal calories from the meals that are cooked for you, you could very easily lose 10 pounds (water weight and some fat). Especially if you are somebody that is untrained and not making great nutritional choices before arriving.


But what happens when you go home?


You’re starving.


You have no idea how to keep up the same nutrition you had on ‘holidays’.


You are back to your stressful work and hardly have time to breathe, never mind train twice a day.


The pounds, naturally, creep back on and you’re back where you started.


Except now you are annoyed at yourself.


So you decide that if you just try to eat less, you can save your results.


This lasts a day or two until you crack with hunger and eat a lot again.


And now you’re REALLY annoyed at yourself.


You don’t want to keep in contact with the friends that you met in Thailand. They gave you so much praise for losing those 10 pounds so fast. You don’t want them to know you didn’t keep it off.


Great results eh?


What would I suggest instead?


Play the long game. 


Adopt healthy behaviours into your life that have you in a slight calorie deficit.


That stops you going to the other extreme and gaining 10 pounds on your next holiday either.


When you become the type of person that enjoys keeping active, eating for health and making value-based decisions, you can become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.


And that takes more than two weeks in Thailand.


Thanks for reading.


Siobhan “or just do what I did and move to Thailand” O’Hagan



P.S. If moving to Thailand isn't an option right now, you could also start making those healthy behaviour changes by joining The Furnace.

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