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Are you a snacker? 🧐🍦

nutrition Jul 13, 2022

I’m sharing some common questions that we get from clients because I’m hoping it might help you realise some changes you could make to help you towards your goals, especially if you have fat loss goals.


“My meals are good. It’s just my snacking that I can’t control. Any tips for snacking for fat loss?”


My first query is always around what they consider a ‘good’ meal.


So many women have been programmed to consider chicken and leaves a ‘meal’.


The internet is full of tricks on how to bulk out your meals to trick your body into thinking you are eating loads of food but for very few calories.


But your body is quite smart at doing it’s best to survive - no matter how hard we try work against it.


If you are having 300 calorie meals - of course you are going to want a snack soon after.


You are hungry.


You might be physically full, but you are still hungry.


And that is the difference between feeling full, and feeling satisfied.


I think it is a lot easier to have three big meals and then see if you really feel like snacking all day.


I used to try and bulk out my oats in the morning with courgette (Jesus wept) so that I felt like I was eating a lot but only “using” 200 calories.


I wanted to try and eat as little as possible so that I had loads of calories left in the evening to eat all the sweet things.


That would be difficult though because I’d find myself snacking through the day, which I thought was some sort of moral failure, but on reflection - I was just hungry.


And taking a wider look at my week, I used to try and eat as little as possible during the week, to save calories for the weekend.


Then the weekend would come and I would eat so much more than I had planned - again, feeling like it was a reflection of me as a human, when I was just hungry.


When clients join The Furnace with a fat loss goal, I don’t try to get them eating as little as possible.


I get them eating *enough* so that they are not hungry.


When you’re not hungry, you can make rational decisions on what to eat. If you have a goal of fat loss, then it makes it easier to stay in a slight calorie deficit.


When you eat satisfying and satiating meals with a good balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat - you probably won’t be reaching for a snack an hour later.


And if you do, it’s probably because you really want it, and not because your body is crying out for food.


If you need help with this - we still have the sale price available for The Furnace this week.


Click here to get access for 25% off the usual price!


Thanks for reading,


Siobhan “Are you just hungry tho” O’Hagan

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