€79,00 EUR

3 monthly payments

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Join The Furnace Now (Reduced Check-Ins and Price!)

For only €79 per month, for three months - you will get long term results and knowledge.

This reduced price means you will check-in every second week instead of weekly. 

This is suitable for those that are self-motivated but like the accountability to make sure they are on the right track to their goals, with a supportive coach and community.

What you'll get:

  • Coaching from women who understand women
  • Weekly videos on Nutrition and Mindset as well as tough workouts to have you feeling fit and strong
  • Personalised tracker to manage your progress, how you are feeling and to receive feedback and guidance.

At the end of the three months, you keep your access to The Furnace.


NOTE: The password you set here will be your password for the portal. Please take a note of it!